Direction finding using Bluetooth Angle of Arrival

Angle of Arrival – Where are we?

Bluetooth “Angle of Arrival” was included in the Bluetooth 5.1 Core Specification, which was released in January 2019. As with all Bluetooth updates, there were several changes within the specification, but Angle of Arrival (AoA) was the only one that gained any real attention.

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Challenges and Issues in RF testing for wireless products

Designers often want to test the performance of RF products such as Bluetooth modules as part of the product selection process. However, they may find the final performance of their products in the field bears little relationship to their lab tests. This article discussing some of the issues around testing RF products and in particular the way the antenna and system interact to make an impact on any measurements.

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Security in Short Range Wireless Solutions and Mesh Networks

There has been an explosion in the use of Short Range Wireless Solutions in recent years, driven principally by the arrival and development of the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) standard. Whilst plenty of short range wireless solutions existed previously, their uptake was limited. This was either because they focussed on narrow niches such as Zigbee or ANT or were ill-suited to battery powered or intermittent use such as Bluetooth “classic”. BLE fulfilled the original general “cable replacement” objectives of the original Bluetooth standard. With BLE quickly becoming natively available on phones, laptops and tablets, there was a ready-made market of devices to connect to.

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Squeeze in more functionality with SIP technology

Nick Wood, President, Insight SiP explains how design engineers can use SIP (Systems-in-Package) to squeeze ever more functionality into ever smaller spaces.

System in Package is a way of providing a complete system in what looks externally like a single component (like a chip in a QFN package), but which inside are increasingly sophisticated systems, which can incorporate semiconductors, passives and RF components.

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