Our Customers

Alpine Labs

Alpine Labs was formed to make motion time lapse photography accessible to photographers of all levels. With their first Kickstarter campaign we launched Radian: a precision rotary motion time lapse device. Since then they created Michron, Radian2. Most recently they created Pulse, which raised over 1.1 million on Kickstarter. All of their devices allow photographers to take stunning photos, timelapses, or videos with their DSLR cameras. Alpine Labs is headquartered in Boulder, Colorado and also has an office in San Diego, California. All products and software are designed in-house.
For further information, visit alpinelaboratories.com

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GreenSide, Bat.7, Entree2,
400 Avenue Roumanille, BP 309
F-06906 Sophia–Antipolis FRANCE

Phone: +33 (0) 493 008 880

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